Legacy Giving
Ensure that future generations have the Museum as a resource for learning and exploring our shared history here in Kennebunk.
In 1936, Edith Barry envisioned a future where Kennebunk boasted a world-class museum showcasing local history and art.
Together with her sister, Julia, they poured their hearts into creating and running the Brick Store Museum. After their passing, both sisters made legacy gifts to ensure the Museum’s continued success. Will you join Edith in supporting the future of the Brick Store Museum?

You can play a key role in ensuring the Brick Store Museum continues to thrive and offer meaningful experiences for visitors for generations to come. Support the future by becoming a member of our 1936 Society today! As a token of our appreciation for your generosity and commitment to the Museum, members enjoy exclusive benefits, including invitations to an annual gathering and early access to exhibition openings and strategic planning events.
A Simple Way to Make This Impact
You would like to leave money to the Brick Store Museum in your will. You also want the flexibility to change your will in the event that life circumstances change; and ensure that your family members financial future is certain. You can do both.
For many people, the easiest way to make a planned gift is through a bequest, a provision in a will directing one’s wishes in regards to the disposition of assets. A bequest allows you to make a long-term commitment without affecting your current standard of living or giving any funds right now.
You can arrange to leave a bequest to the Brick Store Museum by designating on your will either a specific amount or a percentage of the residue of your estate. Sometimes, donors will specify historical objects and works of art to be donated to the Museum.
In addition, one can designate the Brick Store Museum as a beneficiary of a revocable trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, or charitable remainder trust. The Museum can provide your attorney sample language when drafting any of the above options.
Next Steps:
- Contact Cynthia Walker, Executive Director, at [email protected] or (207) 985-4802 for additional information about options; or to let us know the Museum is already included in your estate plans.
- Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
- If you include the Museum in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID:
Legal Name: Brick Store Museum
Address: 117 Main Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043
Federal Tax ID: 01-0238760