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Members have access to everything the Brick Store Museum has to offer.


Museum Members play a crucial role in supporting the preservation and growth of local history, art, and cultural education for our entire community. They are the foundation of the Museum, with membership contributions directly fueling our mission and ongoing operations.

Members are essential in helping us to present new exhibitions and scholarship, sustain historical buildings, enhance educational programming for all ages, and provide access and care to our unparalleled collections. As a Member, you share in what you’ve helped to create and sustain.

In History: The Museum’s Membership Program began during World War II. Edith Barry, the Museum’s founder, wrote:

Although 1941 has brought unprecedented uncertainties and cares, cultural enterprises are still considered essential to a balanced life…in this time of stress [we are] discontinuing the admission fee, which was established in 1938. To offset this lack of increase, however, and to make the museum a thoroughly community organization, three types of membership have been established.

Choose a Membership level that works for you:

Use this link to sign up for Individual, Dual, or Family Membership. Looking for Patron Membership? See the next button!

This link takes you to Givebutter, our Patron Membership processor. If you would like to pay via ACH, please email us at and we will assist you.

More Ways to Join

York County Teacher Membership

The Museum is proud to offer educators free Museum membership. Their work has lasting effects on students’ abilities to understand the world. Free membership is offered to all York County teachers.* 

Request a Membership Donation

Request a Family Membership Kit for your organization’s auction or raffle by filling out the digital form linked below. 501(c)(3) organizations and school groups invited to apply. Please allow us two weeks to respond.

Patron Membership

Patron Members make significant contributions to the Museum and receive added benefits, including additional Membership in the North American Reciprocal Museums program, offering free admission to 900+ museums across the nation.

Business Membership and Sponsorship

Are you representing a business? Align your brand with the Brick Store Museum in a variety of ways. Click below to learn more about Business Partnerships, including membership for your employees and sponsorship availability.

Member Portal

Upon registration, you will receive your Museum Membership packet in addition to an email to the address provided linking your account to the Museum Members Portal. Once received, you may change your password, sign in, and use the resources through the portal. Questions? Please email us at or call (207)985-4802.