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Pride in Our Stories Project

Pride in Our Stories Project

Add your contribution to a community-created garland recognizing and celebrating the stories of the LGBTQ+ community. Add a name, a drawing, a note or a memory (for those that are comfortable) on a ribbon that represents someone you love who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Together, we’ll create a ribbon garland that hangs outside the Brick Store Museum during the month of June. Ribbon-making station will be open at the Museum throughout the month of June.


As part of its overall Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion (DEAI) commitment, The Brick Store Museum (BSM) will be hosting a “Rainbow Garland” at the Museum in acknowledgement and support of LGBTQ+ PRIDE.  Museum members and visitors will be invited to interact with the garland as they might become compelled or inspired to.  One might write a note, draw a picture, or write a name (for themselves, a loved one, or in honor of an iconic champion) who may identify as LGBTQ+ or an LGBTQ+ Ally (the activity also acknowledging that names are not necessary nor meant to “out” someone who may not wish to be named) on a colored ribbon, which will then be tied onto a garland that will be hung outside of the Museum building for the entire month of June 2023.  This activity will culminate with the special conclusion of the Museum forever having this unique asset that it will plan on re-flying outside of the Museum every PRIDE into the future.


The BSM plans on hosting this activity in its upstairs history exhibit reminding all of us that every story matters but to also elevate the importance of recording our stories so that they become remembered.  The Museum in self-respect of its role as an institution of history, knowledge and assets is proud to cultivate this PRIDE activity as part of its DEAI mission.  The BSM views itself as a connector that brings people together in an interactive communal setting that fosters reflection, sharing, listening, learning and growing.