Southern Maine is our shared home. That means we have shared history. In a place this vibrant, we must preserve our past and learn from it to make the Kennebunks and its surrounding communities the best they can be.
Since 1936, the Museum has worked to become a trusted and strong cultural institution. You have supported us the whole way. We grew from a single building (1930s) to a campus of five buildings (1950s). Now, we embark on some of our biggest ventures to date, and your support means more than ever.
There are many ways to join the giving community here at the Museum, whether it be through membership, donation, sponsorship, or volunteerism.
Thanks to our corporate partners, here are some simple ways to support the Museum through every day activities!
The Brick Store Museum is charged with preserving and sharing the stories of our human experiences in the Kennebunks and its surrounding communities for future generations. As a private non-profit organization, we likewise receive no federal, state, or town funding.
Thank you for your tireless support of the arts and humanities in your community.