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Museum Market

The Past|Present|Future Market at the Museum takes the place of our annual online auction. It makes a practice of the 1940s saying, “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without”! Do you look around and think, “I don’t need that,” or “Why do I have this?” The PPP Market at the Museum acts as an outlet for neighbors and community members to share things they don’t need with others who might be looking for that exact thing. All sales of donated items – much like a silent auction – will go to supporting the Museum’s year-round mission in the community.


Donate! We are continually looking for donations, large and small, of items*, antiques, services, experiences, and unique pieces that your think others will use and enjoy.

Donations have included: riding lessons, antique typewriters, ceramics, dinner for two at a local restaurant, lawnmowing services, clothing and clothing accessories, gift certificates, dog toy basket, artwork, and more.

*Items not accepted currently:

– used clothing (unless it is unique, rare and/or vintage)


Plan your visit: The Past|Present|Future Market at the Museum typically occurs in July. Please find this year’s dates via our Calendar.


Interested in volunteering as a guide, performer, or event support? Learn more and sign up.


Would you like to sponsor or support this program? Contact Cynthia Walker at or (207)985-4802.