This fundraiser fuels the Museum’s Spofford Advancement Fund, which focuses specifically on publicly accessible education and engagement capacity at the Museum.
The Brick Store Museum believes that exploring history is our roadmap to the future. We learn speedbumps, different landscapes, danger signs, shortcuts, and better ways to get there when discovering the human stories we all share in order to arrive at a better future just over the horizon.
The Spofford Advancement Fund fuels this vision – this is a fund specifically to support Education staff positions, internships for young adults in the museum field, and continuing education programs for the public.
About the Museum
The Stephen P. Spofford Advancement Fund is named in memory of the Museum’s former President of the Board; and Kennebunk Town Historian who was a friend to the Museum throughout his life.
The Advancement Fund supports the goals for the future of the Museum that Steve Spofford continually championed, including education and stewardship; and investment in historic preservation of the Museum buildings as a learning institution. These resources are all incredibly important to the Museum’s sustainability, and ensure that all of our shared work and support continues into the future.
What does it fund, specifically?
Did you know that all of the programs, exhibitions, research, facilities care, outreach and services the Museum currently offers are carried out by four people, plus dedicated volunteers?
- In order to grow and sustain the Museum’s capacity for education and outreach serving public and private schools, homeschooling co-ops, senior living communities, area recreation departments, multi-generational families and children, adults and seniors living in our community, we need to fund two new Educator positions here at the Museum.
- For now, these positions will be part-time (we hope to expand this in the future). Two new staff members have already been hired this summer, each with a background in teaching, and we look forward to introducing them to the community very soon!
- The Spofford Fund will also support stipends to hire visiting artists and historians presenting public programming; and sustain the Museum’s treasured Intern Program, which fuels future leaders in the museum field – a role that the Museum takes very seriously.
Ways to support the Spofford Advancement Campaign:
Help MATCH our $25,000 challenge by donating directly to the Spofford Fund (online)
Send check to Brick Store Museum, c/o Spofford Fund, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043
Write “Spofford Fund” in Memo please!