Museum Survey – Your Input Needed!
This survey is now closed. We’ll be publishing a report soon!
Dear Friends,

I’m writing to ask for your help.
Did you know Maine leads the nation in museums per capita? (Here’s an article about it!)
Even so, our state’s museums have not been categorized in Maine’s official reopening stages. That’s okay, it simply means we need your help to determine how and when to do so, safely. (This will also help us to know where and how to focus our efforts.)
We are working closely with our neighboring museums, and state and regional museum associations to determine our best path forward. But we want to learn what you think, too.
Below is a link to a short survey with 7 questions. Your input is invaluable – thank you in advance for your help.
Additionally, if you are a vendor or attendee at our largest Annual event, The Southern Maine Steampunk Fair, there’s a specific survey for that program linked below, too.
Thank you again for your support, perspective, and participation!
See you soon at the Museum,
Cynthia Walker
Executive Director